The Lufthansa Technik xR Lab provides technical prototype based showcases to business segments due to the special importance of “only seeing is believing” in context of AR/VR technology

They offer:

  • A dedicated lab environment including IoT demonstration factory
  • Several types of VR glasses from different vendors
  • Several types of AR glasses and Head Mounted Displays
  • Consulting services
  • Development of small prototypes for quick feasibility evaluations

Lab Capabilities


xR Proof of Concept App Development

Based on permanently improved development standards and components, unity based xR App PoCs can be developed in a hands on cost efficient manner with support from interns.
Target devices range from PC based VR, iOS, Android, visionOS based glasses/phones/tablets.

AR & VR glasses​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

A broad range of glasses from different technology generations are available for evaluations.

  • VR glasses: HTC Vive Pro/Pro Eye/Focus 3, Meta Quest 1/2/3/Pro, Pico Neo 3 Pro, Varjo Aero, …
  • AR glasses: Hololens 1, Hololens 2
  • HMD: Realwear HMT-1, Vuzix Mxxx, Google Glass (1st edition)

Access to Training Aircraft

xR use cases requiring a physical aircraft or fully equipped standard cabin (A320) can be supported without disturbing flight operation, due to access to our training aircraft.


    Hands on xR Experience Demonstrators

    We provide the opportunity to experience different xR based applications hands on in our lab or training aircraft. Some applications can be showcased at other locations with a mobile setup as well.

    Vendor neutral xR Consulting

    We are permanently monitoring the fast paced xR market with a focus on industrial applications since several years. Maintaining a cross domain network of users not only from the MRO business and a long and growing list of industry contacts helps in providing open, vendor neutral consulting capabilities. 

    Use cases

    • Extended Reality use cases at Lufthansa Technik. More info