The Digital Lufthansa Cargo Lab in Frankfurt is a translator between emerging technology and Lufthansa Cargo’s leading questions. The experts at Digital Cargo Lab build a general knowledge of digital trends and technologies. There is a wide range of experience with different types of technology that can be applied as needed.​

The overall goal is to collaborate and ideate with methods like Design Thinking to tackle complex problems, prototype solution ideas fast and handover results to business and IT.


Lab Capabilities


Virtual Assistant

Development of Virtual Assistants for any kind of use case using state-of-the-art frameworks and technologies

Web App Development

Development of responsive Web Apps with state-of-the-art frameworks

Mobile App Development

Development of Mobile Apps prototypes

Low Code Development

Development of low code Apps and Automations based on MS Power Platform 

Artificial Intelligence

Natural Language Understanding, Computer Vision, Machine Learning

5G public

Availability of Telekom 5G Non-Standalone Network (3.6 GHz) to perform tests with public 5G network

Robot Process Automation

Automate processes with a set of available tools including UI automation and API automation


UX/UI Design

Performing UX analysis and UI design, including creating mockups and UI testing