11,309 employees voted for the best of the 132 Lufthansa Group innovation projects

We are delighted that a total of 132 Lufthansa Group projects were submitted for the Innovators Award. Congrats to all the nominees but a special thanks goes to our 3 winning teams:

  • Our winner in the category "Dare to Try" is an Austrian Airlines project team, consisting of Victor Rinke, Ahmed Refai Shakhlot & Christa Rosendaal. They quickly set up an Austrian Travel Assistant team for seasonal peaks, which supports our customers during the airport process from self-check-in, at the gate and in assisting passengers with short transfer times.
  • Our "Best Tangible Innovation" category winner is the Baggage Alerting Tool, which was developed by our Lufthansa Group colleagues Maximilian Hoffmann, Robin Plitzko & Rene Treude. The tool triggers an automatic real-time notification after the aircraft departs, informing the arriving ground station of the number of standard baggage items, as well as the number of urgent baggage items on board. This allows the stations to plan the necessary resources for baggage handling on the ground before the flight arrives, which ultimately benefits our customers.
  • In the "Best Digital Innovation" category, our Austrian colleague Toan Le won with his "FlightSearch" app, which simplifies standby travel for airline employees.


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